
Pruning is the most common tree maintenance procedure. As a homeowner, our trees require a higher level of care to maintain their health, safety, value and aesthetics. Pruning should be done with an understanding of how the tree (species) will respond to each cut. Poor or improper pruning (Broccoli Cut) can cause damage that will last for the life of your tree or worse, create a situation where the tree is a risk.
When preparing to prune, be aware that each cut has the potential to change or alter the new growth of your tree. No limb should be removed without a reason. A Certified Arborist will assist you in making the correct decisions… whether it pertains to a young or mature tree. Common reasons include the removal of diseased, dead (widow makers), dying, interfering , included, imbedded, competing or crowded limbs and the elimination of potential hazards. Additionally trees may be pruned to increase light and movement of air through to the landscape, to protect both structure and code enforcement through clearance. In most cases, this type of pruning (structural pruning) is required on annual to biannual pruning cycle. Structural pruning is always based on the character and genetics of the tree. It should never be compromised.
Under the guidance of a Registered Consulting Arborist/Board Certified Master Arborist an expert with the education and knowledge of tree biology- proper pruning can maintain good tree health and structure while enhancing the aesthetic and economic values of your landscape.

Leaf Drop

Are you losing leaves quickly or have you already lost all your leaves? This may be a serious issue, could there be something going on besides fall? Every year seems to be different but if you have noticed some of your trees leafing out earlier and has a history of this you should call an Arborist. Not a tree person but a real certified arborist, and if you can find one with more designations such as RCA, BCMA or college degree the chances for getting accurate up to date info is substantial. Trees on your property become part of the family treat them as such with professional help.

Texas Mistletoe

Tree Parasite

Look up in your trees, are all the leaves turning color or dropping, say maybe for a few bunches of dark green areas. This may well be the tree thief, prune it out and fertilize your trees.  This is the time to really take control and stop the spread of mistletoe.


I heard a talk show host last week say to the effect that trees do not require pruning, and “If a tree grows a limb out in some direction, that it is because it knows best.” So, what he is saying is the tree has some unknown powers to produce limb, trunk , branch growth wherever it decides. If we were led to believe that this is a good thing then this would mean that growth, no matter what growth, would be adequate in both health and structure to support the tree. So, embedded, bifurcated, included and competing limbs are for the most part a predetermined growth that has a positive effect on the tree.
This is just another example of simplistic thought. Don’t be fooled!
Human beings, Arborist, do good things and pruning trees are one of these good things. There are reasons for limb removal as mentioned prior and it’s to ensure that tree lives and grows to a long productive life.