Winter storms cause tremendous harm and severe damage to trees.  Trees uprooted or broken in half are an easy call for removal.  But what about a tree that suffers some major to minor damage?  How can a tree owner tell it is structurally safe or physically sound?  A mature tree that has been in the family for decades cannot be replaced.  It is worth a consultation with a Qualified Arborist.

Minor damage where smaller twigs and branches are broken or injured, typically result in little or short term injury to the tree.  All that may be required is a feeding to upgrade health, some medicine to fight infection and a cleanup (pruning) of broken branches and wounds to restore health.

Major damage such as large broken limbs, a large percentage of the tree damaged, split crotches, bark removal, twisting, splitting or splintering of limbs and trunk, or any combination of the above can be detrimental to the long term health of the tree.  When a tree is severely damaged, the first thing to determine is whether or not it is safe.  Secondly, economics and third is if it is worth saving.  This is when a professional such as a Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA), Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) or Certified Arborist should be consulted to help answers these questions.

Getting a site visit and diagnosis from a professional sooner than later may provide more options to save a tree versus a removal.  Tree health recovery is generally a systematic method developed over time, utilizing years of experience and the industry’s most advanced techniques that have proven successful more often than not.

If it is determined that a tree is not worth saving, then removing it as soon as possible is highly recommended. The longer it sits, the more risky it becomes.  As the risk increases, so does the required skill level of a crew to remove it, and therefore increases the cost of removal.

In cases of tree damage that the Arborist and tree owner has agreed to save the tree, the most successful route is to provide treatment for the trees.  Think of them as you would your pets.  They need to be fed with quality nutrition, given the proper amount of water, and groomed (pruned) on an annual basis.  Most importantly when your tree is ill, consult with a Qualified Arborist to address the cause.


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