Fairview, Texas

A bastion of tree diversity; What a great place to live truly,especially if you  desire  Arboricultural diversity.In Fairview you can find almost every tree listed in “Ricks Tree List” and even a couple  more that some  folks believe can not possibly survive here. Traveling along a road such as Meandering Way one can’t count the species, but being a Arborist for 30 years I did just that. You’ve always wonder early in the spring what those small white and red flowering trees are out there in the country growing amongst larger trees or in small groves. Those trees are Mexican Plums and Red Buds  and are only the  first of many flowering trees.  To follow in the coming days/weeks you will be viewing our native flowering rough leaf dogwoods, Chittamwoods, Rusty blackhaw Viburnums, Mexican Buckeye and  finally Eves Necklace. But this is not the end, at least not in Fairview as summer grows closer, trees fill out, Soapberry and sumac trees begin their flowering which at times overlap but last several weeks. Small flowering trees are not all there is to offer starting from highway 5 one can enjoy trees, canoping over the ocassional spot along the route, large Pecans, Hackberry, Bois d’arc, Cedar Elm, Green Ash, Red, Bur, Chinquapin Oaks and scattered amongst them, Toothache, Honey Locust and native White Mulberry trees. Approaching Sloan Creek,  American Elm, Cottonwood and Sycamore become the more prevalant species soon to transition as the soil changes to caleche too Red and Bur Oak with one of the more rare species the Bigelow Oak. These trees grow in clusters and are found in very few parts of the metroplex.  Then Post Oak yes I said Post Oak, only a few remain but you can actually see them in River Oaks and Oakwood Estates. The color has not stopped as fall comes on the Persimmon turns yellow like no other yellows you’ve seen, Red oaks and Sumacs red, as the Buckthorns and Possum Haws set bright red fruit that last throughout the winter until the migrating Cedar Wax Wings feast on them.  This is yet typical of a street in Fairview, Texas.

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